Far­mer, Supplier

Pro­duc­tion and Trade



We are who­le­sa­le in the field of raw mate­ri­als for food or feed. We usual­ly buy from 25 tons ex station.

On the basis of the stan­dard con­di­ti­ons in the Ger­man grain trade, we con­tract wit­hout frills or page-long conditions.



Are you dis­sa­tis­fied and loo­king for real alter­na­ti­ves in marketing?

We ana­ly­ze, show approa­ches to solu­ti­ons and deve­lop alter­na­ti­ve options.

Wit­hout ifs and buts…

Container im Hafen16_9


You want to export raw mate­ri­als such as grain, but you are not fami­li­ar with the pro­ce­du­re, you lack time?

We take care of it for you. Export is our dai­ly busi­ness – we also hand­le con­tai­ners to third count­ries.  (Ger­ma­ny only)



The agri­cul­tu­ral trade often lacks the time to ana­ly­ze pro­ces­ses and fur­ther opti­mi­ze them with the help of modern soft­ware solutions.

Espe­ci­al­ly in the orga­nic sce­ne, many busi­nesses grow very quick­ly and reach their struc­tu­ral limits.

We ana­ly­ze and deve­lop ide­as that also invol­ve your employees, so that opti­miza­ti­ons also suc­ceed in day-to-day business.



Food pro­duc­tion in the area of orga­nic raw mate­ri­al pro­ces­sing often needs very trans­pa­rent relia­ble sup­p­ly chains. Here, we con­duct our own inde­pen­dent audits of sup­pli­ers, thus pro­vi­ding secu­ri­ty and trans­pa­ren­cy in the sup­p­ly chain.

Inci­den­tal­ly, this also appli­es to orga­nic farms in other Euro­pean count­ries and, for exam­p­le, Canada.



Cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­ons are the result and expres­si­on of regu­lar­ly audi­ted processes.

We are cer­ti­fied orga­nic trader sin­ce 2000 and cer­ti­fied orga­nic export­er in trade of orga­nic pro­ducts to Switz­er­land sin­ce 2004.

Fur­ther­mo­re, we are GMP+ cer­ti­fied sin­ce 2004 and regis­tered tra­ding part­ner in the QS system.

You can find our cer­ti­fi­ca­tes under Quality.